Before You Begin
Get Organized! This is a great technique for our times. Most designs can be completed in a sitting.
Painting Time: One to two hours for beginners. Most Advanced painters can complete these designs in less than one hour.
Does not take up much room: Most of the supplies can be stored in a small craft tote (like the one given with our Paintstik Special Offer.)
Stencils stored and organized easily: Most of my students organize their stencils in sheet protectors in loose leaf binders by category.
Travels well: Great for students going to class, as well as our retirees who travel. Great to take on vacation.
Clean technique: Only few drops of mineral spirits used to liquefy Paintstiks for line work. Brush cleaner and water clean up
Diversified Collections: Once one has accumulated a few stencils its like having a gift store right in your own home.
Therapeutic: Very soothing, perhaps play a little Mozart or play your favorite relaxation music. Get lost in your art!
Before you know it you will have a beautiful piece of artwork for giving or keeping.